Fearless Woman: Laura Naomi

Happy Fearless Woman Fridays 💙

Today I am happy to introduce you to our Fearless Woman this week, Laura Naomi. When Laura contacted me about her story, the first question that I asked her was, “Why would you call yourself fearless?” Her answer was, “I have been called fearless by others and in those moments of fearlessness it didn’t feel that way to me. I was just simply following a calling and that calling was something deep inside me and I felt it in my whole heart. I have done things that possibly a lot of people haven’t or wouldn’t.” After hearing that, I knew not only did I need to know more about her but you did too. Listen to Lauras’ fearless story…


Are you feeling inspired?  Then leave a comment and let us know.

P.S. With only a little bit over a week left until Christmas. I am sure that some of you have been making your list and checking it twice. 😉 If you love the rush that that comes with waiting until the very last minute to to shop then check back with us tomorrow for a list of items that you can order by Monday and still get in time for Christmas!

Stay Fearless 💋

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